What are the health benefits of eating sugar in moderation?

1. Improve the symptoms of dizziness and general weakness caused by low blood pressure. Patients with low blood pressure may experience dizziness, cold hands and feet and other symptoms due to exposure to the sun or sitting for too long. At this time, it is necessary to eat sweets, and the symptoms will soon improve.

2. Relieve the problem of low blood sugar. High blood sugar will cause diabetes, and the same low blood sugar will also cause shock in the human body. Usually, drinking sugar water or sweet drinks properly can alleviate such problems.

3. Alleviate hunger. When people are hungry, eating sweets can quickly replenish their physical strength and restore the best state, because sugar is absorbed by the blood faster than many foods.

But anything can only be eaten in moderation, and eating too much can have a bad effect on the body, and the same is true of sugar.

1. To gain weight.

After excessive sugar enters the body, it will not only convert itself into fat, but also affect the intake of other vitamins and cause obesity.

2. Urethritis. Eating sweets will make both urine sugar and blood sugar high, which will cause the increase of glycogen in the vagina, and the increase will increase, which will greatly increase the probability of vaginitis. The risk of sexual vaginitis is much higher than that of normal women.

3. Gallstones. Sugar will affect the secretion of insulin in the body and form cholesterol in bile, which will affect the metabolism of the entire bile acid and form gallstones.

4. Breast cancer. The pathogenic factors of breast cancer are multi-faceted, and one of the big reasons is that it has a very important relationship with the increase of insulin secretion in the body. Excessive sweets are one of the culprits that cause insulin to increase.

5. White hair. Sweets are one of the acidic foods, so eating a lot of sweets will affect the pH of the human blood, and when the body is weakly acidic, it will accelerate the aging of cells and cause gray hair.

6. Fatigue easily. Excessive sweets will affect the body's normal absorption of vitamin B,

The lack of vitamin B1 can cause optic neuritis, which makes the eyes more easily fatigued than normal people, thereby increasing the feeling of physical and mental fatigue of the whole person.

We often talk about dessert, why is dessert eaten after a meal? This is because in medieval times, sugar was the noblest of all seasonings. It is even more noble and valuable than the main course. Therefore, for everyone at the time, sugar was a very luxurious seasoning. When everyone is eating, most of them will put the delicious food at the end of the meal, so desserts, as the luxury and the most delicious, naturally come last, and also become desserts after meals. Plus, sugar makes our bodies secrete dopamine, the same thing that makes us feel happy and happy. Therefore, the dessert is placed after the meal, so that both yourself and the guests can feel that they have eaten a happy meal.

In addition, supplementing blood sugar with dessert after a main meal is good for health, because it helps to make up for the high energy of food digestion. And some people still feel hungry after eating the main food. At this time, dessert can come in handy. Desserts after meals can quickly raise blood sugar levels in our bodies, and can suppress previous hunger and prevent us from eating too much.