Lilacs are beloved for their lilac and blue hues and delightful fragrance. They are a popular ornamental flower that can be planted in parks, squares, and gardens for viewing. They also make an excellent addition to courtyards or can be transplanted into pots and placed indoors.

These deciduous shrubs or small trees can grow up to 4 meters tall, with sturdy and glabrous branches. Their leaves are broadly ovate, typically wider than long, and measure 5-10 cm wide. The leaves are acute at the tip, cordate or cuneate at the base, and have entire, glabrous surfaces. Lilacs bloom in April, and their fragrant flowers are small and come in shades of purple, purple-red, and blue.

Lilacs thrive in moist, well-drained soil and enjoy plenty of sunlight. They grow best in gardens and are widely cultivated in parks and other public spaces. They can be found in mountain slopes, jungles, ravines, streams, valleys, and beaches, ranging in altitude from 300-2400 meters. Many species of lilac prefer warm, humid environments with some cold tolerance and drought resistance. It is best to plant bare-rooted lilacs before sprouting after leafing, choosing a sunny location with fertile, well-drained soil.

Lilacs are light-loving and slightly shade-tolerant but grow weakly in shade or semi-shade, with sparse flowering. They prefer warm, moist environments and have a certain degree of cold tolerance. Lilacs have relatively low soil requirements, tolerating infertile soil but prefer fertile, well-drained soil. Avoid planting them in lowlands, as excess water can lead to disease and the plant's demise.

The fragrance of lilac flowers is so rich that it can be refined into aromatic oil. Lilacs are an important ornamental tree species in the northern hemisphere, often planted in parks, gardens, courtyards, and along roadsides. They also have a strong absorption capacity for sulfur dioxide, which can help purify the air.

The language of lilac has several meanings:

1. Gratitude for first love

Lilacs' dreamy purple color and melancholy, romantic flower hues evoke a sense of first love's ignorance, shyness, and subtlety. It represents the beauty of that pure feeling and expresses gratitude towards it.

2. Lucky love

Lilacs rarely have five-petaled flowers, but if you can find one, it means you have stumbled upon a lucky lilac. It brings good fortune and luck to its finder.

3. Glory

Lilacs come in shades of red, light purple, blue-purple, white fuchsia, and blue-purple. Its symbolic meaning is mysterious and known as the flower of heaven. If blessed by this flower, one can expect a bright future and a brilliant career.

4. Like Silence

Lilacs quietly bloom and emit a strong fragrance, giving people a comfortable feeling. They prefer to emit their scent alone, not competing with other flowers. Lilacs' beauty shines in its own way.