Owning a cat can improve the quality of life and make people happier and healthier. But at the same time, it is also necessary to be responsible for pets and provide a good living environment and living conditions to ensure that pets are healthy and happy.

The cats suitable for girls mainly depend on the girls' personal hobbies and lifestyles. The following are several common cats suitable for girls:

British Shorthairs: They are usually gentle and friendly cats, suitable for interaction and getting along with people, and suitable for families with children.

Persian cats: Persian cats are usually quiet and quiet. They are very dependent on their owners and require regular grooming care. They are suitable for girls who pay more attention to details.

Ragdoll cat: Ragdoll cat has a gentle personality and is close to people. It likes to play with its owner. It is a cat that is easy to train and is suitable for girls who like to interact with cats.

Birman cat: Birman cat is usually gentle and intelligent, likes to be hugged and stroked, and is very friendly to interact with people. It is suitable for girls who like cats to actively interact.

Siamese cat: The Siamese cat is lively, active, likes to play, and needs the company of the owner. It is a kind of cat suitable for girls who like to play with cats.

It should be noted that keeping pets requires sufficient time and economic conditions to provide regular medical care and regular grooming care for pets.

There are many benefits to having a cat for a girl, here are a few of them:

Reduce Stress and Anxiety: The presence of cats can make people relax and reduce stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that playing and interacting with cats can increase the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the body, which can make people feel more relaxed and happy.

Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease: Owning a cat can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that people who own cats have lower rates of heart disease and mortality, possibly because interacting with cats can reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn lowers physiological indicators such as blood pressure and heart rate.

Boosts immunity: Research shows that children who live with pets tend to be more immune to conditions like allergies, asthma, and eczema than children who live alone.

Enhance the sense of responsibility: Raising cats can cultivate people's sense of responsibility, make people pay more attention to the value of life, and at the same time improve the ability and skills to take care of others.

Improves social skills: Having a cat can improve social skills. Cats as household pets help people bond more closely with neighbors, friends, and family members.

Owning a cat is not just entertaining; it also comes with a host of fascinating facts that highlight how remarkable these creatures are:

- Cats can make over 100 different sounds, including purrs, purrs, meows, and more.

- Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell and can sniff out odors that humans cannot detect, such as cancer and diabetes.

- Cats are very agile animals that can jump up to twice their height.

- Cats have five claws on their front paws and only four on their back paws.

- Cats' whiskers not only sense their surroundings but also help them maintain balance.

- A cat's eyes have reflective layers that allow them to see clearly in low light.

- Cats can adapt to dark environments in a very short time because they have a substance called "brown fat" in their eyes that helps them generate heat and keep their bodies warm.

- Cats can clear hairballs from their bodies because they have something called a "papillae" on their tongues that help them swallow and digest the hair.

- Cats' ears can turn 180 degrees, which can help them hear the sounds around them.

- Cats are very independent animals that can survive and live independently without their owners.