A hot air balloon is an aircraft that relies on buoyancy to fly, with a large balloon at the top and a gondola at the bottom. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense than the cooler air outside, making the balloon rise into the sky. The gondola can accommodate passengers and a heat source, usually an open flame.

Hot air balloons can be used for various purposes, including aviation sports, photography, travel, and more. The first manned hot air balloon was created by the French Montgolfier brothers in 1783, which marked the world's first manned air voyage.

The hot air balloon flew for 25 minutes before landing near Italy Place after flying halfway across Paris. This flight predates the Wright Brothers' flight by 120 years.

Today, there are approximately 20,000 hot air balloons around the world. In developed countries such as Europe and the United States, hot-air ballooning has become a popular sport with competitions and events happening almost daily.

With the advancement of hot air balloon technology, scientific and technological elements are constantly added to the sport, resulting in significant improvements in equipment and the training of pilots.

The improvement of hot air balloon materials and manufacturing technology has made hot air balloon flight accessible to anyone, anywhere. However, it remains a symbol of wealth, status, and courage.

Hot air ballooning has become a popular aviation sport, attracting many pilots and tourists worldwide. Hot air balloon events have also received widespread attention and participation around the world.

Tourists can enjoy a hot air balloon ride to admire the beautiful scenery. Hot air balloon travel is popular in places like the Sahara Desert in Africa, the Grand Canyon in the United States, and Provence in France.

Hot air balloons can also be used for scientific research and meteorological observations. Scientists can use hot air balloons to collect data on the atmosphere and understand its structure and properties.

Meteorologists can use hot air balloons to observe meteorological data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and direction, to predict weather changes.

Hot air balloon festivals have become important cultural events in some countries. For example, the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Festival in the United States and the Rochefort Hot Air Balloon Festival in France have attracted many tourists and hot air balloon enthusiasts to watch and participate.

New types of hot air balloons are being developed. Some hot air balloons use solar panels as a heat source, which reduces the cost of using the balloon and its impact on the environment.

Some technology companies are developing technology that uses hot air balloons to provide Internet connections. This technology can provide emergency communications and Internet services to residents in remote areas or during natural disasters.

Hot air balloons are also widely used in media industries such as film, television, and advertising. Hot air balloons can be used to hang billboards, shoot movie scenes, or film aerial footage for television dramas.

Hot air balloons have come a long way since the Montgolfier brothers' first flight. Today, hot air ballooning has become a popular sport, a form of transportation, a scientific research tool, and a cultural icon. With the advancement of technology, the possibilities for hot air balloons are endless.